How to Setup Online Promotions

How to Setup Online Promotions

Promotions are a critical tool for businesses to garner attention and drive sales. Understanding the incentive value is paramount to anticipating customer behavior, whether it’s scarcity, timeliness, or a discount. As the season approaches, let’s look at how brands can hit it out of the park this holiday.

Find Your Guiding Star

Start with your target audience, including all the various personas, and determine what they value most. This will serve as your promotional north star in identifying what resonates and drives conversion. Then utilize your business goals for that audience segment.

How to Setup Online Promotions
  1. Are you looking to get more customers?
  2. Increase average order value (AOV)?
  3. Drive recurring business?

Hitting a Grand Slam

This is the creme de la creme scenario, which includes providing maximum customer value while ensuring business profitability. Grand Slam promotions drive action by combining benefits and bonuses that increase buying behavior. Designed to appeal directly to customer needs and create urgency, they are the high watermark of online promos.

Equate the Value

To create a high-impact offer, you need to understand the Value Equation:

Value Equation Graphic

This formula illustrates how customers perceive the value of your offer. The “dream outcome” refers to what your product or service can achieve for the customer, while the “perceived likelihood of achievement” represents their confidence in that outcome. Reducing time delays and effort for the customer enhances their perceived value. When you focus on these elements, you can justify charging premium prices because the value provided exceeds the cost.

Value Prop

How to Setup Online Promotions

Instead of bartering, focus on delivering premium value. Pricing is justified when you provide a dream outcome with little effort. If your product helps customers achieve their goals faster or more efficiently than competitors, the Value Equation shifts heavily in your favor.

Focus on what makes your product unique: features, warranties, or bundled add-ons can increase perceived gain without accruing much cost. Think of free consultations, tutorials, extended warranties, training, or digital resources; just make sure they’re relevant enough to tip the purchasing scale.

Pro Tip: Use pricing tiers to include free product add-ons, example: spend X and we’ll include Y

Create FOMO

Urgency and scarcity are crucial for prompting spontaneity. Consumers act faster when they fear missing out on a valuable deal. Make it clear that your Grand Slam Offer is available for a limited time or with a finite amount available.

Go further to increase conversions by removing buying hurdles by offering a satisfaction guarantee or money-back to instill confidence in their purchase.

Pro Tip: the less risk involved, the more appealing your offer becomes.

Stack Your Story

How to Setup Online Promotions

A compelling name adds allure to your offer. Position your product as a solution to the customer’s problem. What story does the image alone tell you? What story does the headline alone tell you? These are the questions.

Pro Tip: Use negative connotations to evoke emotion in your calls to action: “I want this” vs. “Buy Now”

Rinse and Repeat

The key is continuous improvement. Before launching your offer, develop a plan to gather customer feedback and track results to inform your findings. Use this data to pivot, obvi. Small messaging, pricing, or bonus tweaks can significantly boost ongoing campaigns.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Grand Slam Offer

  1. Finding the dream outcome that reduces perceived effort and time to achieve.
  2. Highlight your competitive advantage to tell your story.
  3. Determine a premium price justified by the value provided.
  4. Craft urgency or scarcity to drive immediate action.
  5. Eliminate hurdles that reduce buyer hesitation.
  6. Add bonuses to increase perceived value offer.
  7. Use a compelling naming convention with a results-oriented title.
  8. Insert your buyer in the journey.
  9. Track and refine your offer regularly based on customer feedback and results.

Ace the Test: Iteration and Improvement

Once you’ve built your Grand Slam Offer, test it across multiple channels such as social media, email, and your website. Track key performance metrics and don’t hesitate to tweak your approach based on the results. Testing different variations, such as bonus combinations or urgency tactics, can help you optimize your offer for maximum results.

If your business needs a promotional boost, contact Logical Position for a complimentary account audit and campaign consultation. We can help you craft, test, and fine-tune the perfect Grand Slam Offer to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction.

Chris Borg

Chris Borg, Manager of Search Strategy

As the Manager of Search Strategy, Chris Borg leads the strategic implementation of campaigns for a wide range of paid media clients. He excels at aligning business goals with account initiatives to ensure campaigns are deployed to produce measurable impact. When he’s not optimizing audience targeting, Chris can be found exploring the outdoors with his dog or expanding his impressive collection of exotic hot sauces.

Logical Position

Logical Position, an Inc. 500 digital agency supporting 5,000+ clients across North America. LP is the proud recipient of Google’s Lead Generation Premier Partner of the Year award! The award-winning agency offers full-service PPC management, SEO, Paid Social, Amazon and Creative Services for businesses large and small. As a Google Premier Partner, Microsoft Elite Partner & Meta Business Partner, LP is in the top 1% of ad spend managed across platforms.

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