Automotive SEO Reach Your Ranking &
Traffic Goals

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Tools for Success

Turning Search Queries Into Transactions

The automotive market is a broad one. Eventually, anyone with a car will need to take advantage of some goods and services in your industry. There’s no shortage of consumers to compete for, but the competition is still stiff. Stand out from the crowd by using high-quality onsite content and link-building to earn a place at the top of Google’s search results. Logical Position’s automotive SEO services can help your business become a trustworthy and reliable resource for readers—one that turns search queries into transactions.

Automotive Industry Help

A Winning Content Strategy

Our search engine optimization campaigns begin with researching and identifying the queries that will drive the most relevant traffic to your website. Following a technical audit that ensures everything under the hood (of your website, that is) is set up for success, our team devises a six-month content strategy of topics that address the keywords your prospective customer is searching for. We fortify our authoritative, persuasive content with search-friendly infographics and exclusive affiliate partnerships. These efforts prove to Google that you’re the last word on your area of expertise—and in search engine results, that can make you the first word.

Our Philosophy

Fit for Your Business

We offer local and national campaigns to accommodate both brick-and-mortar locations and automotive e-commerce. By building authority through target keywords, expert content, and a tailored approach to your unique offerings, local SEO can ascertain that when prospects look up “body shop near me,” yours is the one that appears first. If you’re thinking bigger than your own neck of the woods, our national campaigns are ideal for parts dealers who serve a nationwide and educated client base that knows the parts they need and the brand they want. From there, it’s simply a matter of making sure your business grabs their attention. At its best, automotive SEO finds the customers who are looking for your products and disqualifies the ones who are looking for something else.

Logical Position’s automotive SEO services can help your business’s internet presence evolve from a mere presence to a resource—one that provides long-term, lasting, well-earned results. Let’s get started.

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